Hearing loss in children can occur for several reasons:
Family history of hearing loss in childhood
Maternal infections during pregnancy
Breathing difficulty at birth
Visible malformations of the head, neck or ears
Very low birth weight <1500 grams
Medications which cause hearing loss
Other medical conditions associated with hearing loss
Stay in a special care nursery for > 3 days
Prolonged mechanical ventilation lasting > 5 days
Behaviors in Children
By watching your child's responses to your voice and the sounds in their environment, and watching speech - language develop you can get a good idea of how well they can hear you.
The following are behaviors to expect of children with normally developing speech and language:
Birth to 3 Months:
Coo and gurgle
Laugh and use voice when played with
Watch your face when spoken to
3 Months to 6 Months:
Babble (use a series of sounds)
Make at least 4 different sounds when using voice
Babble to people when they speak
6 Months to 9 Months:
Babble using "song-like tunes"
Use voice (not crying) to get your attention
Use different sounds and appear to be naming things
9 Months to 12 Months:
Use jargon (appear to be talking)
Use consonant sounds (b, d, g, m, n) when "talking"
Jabber in response to a human voice, using changes in loudness, rhythm, and tone
First true words appear between ages 12 to 15 months:
12 Months to 18 Months:
Give one-word answers to questions
Imitate many new words
Use words more than one syllable with meaning (ex. "bottle")
Speak 10 to 20 words
18 Months to 24 Months:
Use own first name
Use "my" to get toys and other objects
Tell experiences using jargon and words
Use 2-word sentences (ex: "my shoe," "go bye-bye," "more juice")
24 Months to 30 Months:
Answer questions (What do you do when you are sleepy?)
Use plurals (ex: "2 books," "dogs")
Speak 100 to 200 words
30 Months to 36 Months:
Use question forms correctly (who? what? where? when?)
Use negative forms (ex: "it is not," "I can't")
Relate experiences using 4- to 5-word sentences
If you suspect any delay in your child’s speech acquisition or concerns regarding your child’s hearing, then you should contact an audiologist to have their hearing assessed.
*Stages of development adapted from S. Epstein and J.S. Reilly (1989). Sensorineural hearing loss. Pediatric Clinics of North America, 36 (6), 1501-1520 Back To Top ⇪